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Our Favorite Memoirs Are Authored By These Super Personalities: Prince Harry, Michelle Obama And Terry McDonell

Our favorite books this year are memoirs! It reminds me of the fact that sometimes reality can really be stranger than fiction and truthfully most successful stories are based on real life stories. So it’s no surprise that we tend to enjoy high profile celebrity stories because they are always exceptional and they tell of their extraordinary experiences we may not know about. I have picked only three books as usual here but the list of beautiful memoir is really huge and endless. We all love to tell our stories so that people can relate better with us. Who we are is because of somethings we have been through either good or bad. Here is a preview of our favourite prickly books and authors of 2023.


As a child,Terry McDonell imagined epic stories about his father, a fighter pilot who died in World War II. But, as he discovers in this dazzling memoir, the real hero in his life was his mother, Irma, who moved with him to California hoping for a new life and raised him through difficult times.Like most headstrong boys growing up in mid-century America, McDonell took his mother for granted, never giving her life much thought. He was bright, cocky, and determined to make his own way, separate from her and from his complicated roots. But as he matured, built a career, married, divorced, remarried, and raised his own sons, McDonell came to see that Irma had lived her life in a way that allowed him to discover what he wanted his own life to be. The person he was would be forever tied to Irma’s courage and wisdom and love. From his recollections—a series of colorful, deeply personal, sometimes funny, stunningly composed vignettes—an intriguing and poignant portrait emerges.Irma is the story of a formidable woman who built the life she wanted as she raised her son to be the kind of man and father he had longed for but never knew


The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on November 15, 2022, by Crown Publishing. The Light We Carry deals with uncertainty in the world such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Obama describes times where she felt uncertain or out of place such as being a rare African American undergraduate at Princeton in the 1980s or becoming the first African American First Lady of the United States.


Spare is a memoir by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, released on 10 January 2023. It was ghostwritten by J. R. Moehringer and published by Penguin Random House.It is Harry’s account of his life to date. The title is a reference to the aristocratic adage that an “heir and a spare” were needed to ensure that the inheritance remained in the family if anything happened to the heir. His bitter feelings about his role as the “spare” provides the background to his autobiography, which focuses on his education, his time in the British Army, and his relationship with his family and with his wife, Meghan.

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