Neve Campbell, the iconic star of the original “Scream” series, is set to reprise her role as Sidney Prescott in the upcoming seventh installment of the franchise. Making the announcement amidst great anticipation, Campbell expressed her excitement and gratitude for returning to the beloved character. She also revealed the appointment of Kevin Williamson, the creator of the “Scream” universe, as the director for “Scream 7,” fulfilling a longstanding dream collaboration.
Kevin Williamson, reflecting on the journey of the franchise since its inception nearly 30 years ago, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to direct the seventh installment. He emphasized the importance of the loyal fanbase and expressed eagerness to embark on this new chapter with Campbell and the rest of the “Scream” family.
Campbell’s return comes after her absence in “Scream 6” due to pay disputes, marking a highly anticipated comeback for fans of the series. However, the production has faced setbacks, including the departure of Melissa Barrera, who portrayed Sam Carpenter, and later Jenna Ortega, who played Tara Carpenter, reportedly due to scheduling issues following Barrera’s dismissal over comments made about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Christopher Landon, initially set to direct the seventh movie, also withdrew from the project following the exits of Barrera and Ortega. Amidst these changes, Jasmine Savoy Brown, who portrayed Mindy, revealed she has yet to receive confirmation about reprising her role.
Despite the challenges, the return of Neve Campbell and the involvement of Kevin Williamson bring renewed excitement to the “Scream” franchise. Fans eagerly anticipate the next chapter in the iconic horror series, eager to see Sidney Prescott once again facing off against the masked killer.