Every woman and every aspiring mother should be excited about this article because it may save you a lot of money and even life. Keeping your lady bits warm, safe and healthy will be so much easier after reading this. So here are top seven things that you should never do to your V.
1. Douching
Douching is a method whereby women wash the vagina out with a liquid solution, usually a mixture of water and vinegar. For centuries there has been a debate on the possible benefits and adverse effects of this practice, but research from the University of Alabama shows the “risk of ascending infection from the pressure of douching may be greatest around the time of ovulation when the cervical os is gaping and the mucus is thin”. Furthermore, douching may decrease vaginal bacteria, but cause a rapid proliferation of potential pathogens, increasing the risk of associated infections.
2. Vaginal steaming.
Vaginal steaming refers to a new trend where women remove their underwear and sit on special chairs that have herbal-infused steam coming out of them, aimed at the vagina. However this process can instead disrupt the natural bacteria of the organ, making it more prone to infection. You would rather not.
3. Getting it a piercing.
For some women it might be part of a sexual fantasy to get a piercing in their lady bits, but it can cause unnecessary complications. Please note that the vagina is a really sensitive area, and besides the possibility of pain and nerve damage, piercings open up the body to a stream of possible infections.
4. Pushing foreign objects to your Lady Bits.
Any foreign object always has the potential to cause an infection. The most common symptoms of an infection caused by a foreign object include a change in vaginal discharge and an unpleasant smell. If you have lost an object up there, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.
5. Using scented soaps or perfumes.
The vagina can sometimes have a slight odour, but for the most part its natural scent should be neutral. Infections can cause a bad smell, but using scented soaps or perfumes is a bad idea. Research from Johns Hopkins University shows the vagina is a delicate organ with a specific pH balance. Any scents or flavours can throw off this balance, making it prone to more infections.
6. Wearing too tight underwear.
Underwear should fit you comfortably and should not be too tight. Underwear that is too tight can cause friction and irritation, and heat and moisture can build up in the vaginal area. Bacteria love this environment and cause infection.
7. Using weird substances as lube.
It’s quite normal to need some lubrication during sexual encounters, but you should never use anything other than standard lube. Other substances can cause infection, and even oil-based lubricants are thicker, and thus more difficult to remove from the vaginal canal.
I hope these important tips have been helpful. Live The Joy Life!